you have reached the gates to the WRAITHSCAPE, where we all may become as one and experience the pleasure that is surfing my personal website. let's have fun and be friends forever.


11-28-24: i removed the scm music player again because i forgot how distracting it was. i did add a media diary tho for each month logging albums, youtube videos, games, or films.

11-9-24: the site might look a little nakey for a while. got rid of the blingees and cbox. might be adding a log page for albums and youtube videos. also changed the online status to a 'last seen' status.

11-6-24: created an auto-playlist using SCM Music Player. not really striving for a dedicated vibe with the music, just plastered songs i like! planning on tweaking a few things in the near future. mainly, a theme overhaul alongside adding to abandoned pages and some changes to the righthand side of the home page. i think the blinkees will have to die. i did remove the mirror button in the about page, but don't worry, peering will still be had!

7-25-24: a page dedicated to a chat room seemed too much, so i decided to tack a cbox onto the home page! thinking about replacing the page with a videos page

7-18-24: just finally noticing that the guestbook site i'd been using shut down at the beginning of the month, so i'm removing the link for now. will figure something out soon in it's place; either a chat room or a custom guestbook page!

7-6-24: built the projects page. now attached!

5-18-24: created a media log at the bottom of the home page! will be updating as regularly as possible.

4-13-24: new background!

2-11-24: replaced the blog bit and created a journal page instead aaaaaand it's finally attached!

2-6-24: updated my mirror with new hot peering. links is finally linked! still incomplete but it's there.

12-23-23: created and linked the credits page. starting to compile for the links page. thinking about combining the two. EDIT: edited what was supposed to be the links page onto the credits so that was flipped around and i lost the work on the og credits page lol. i'm gonna wait to redo credits so it neither are linked atm.

12-18-23: redid a bit of my about page; remade the card and added likes AND dislikes.

12-15-23: added some js for my mirror (autoplay function for chrome users). got the social links attached and created my guestbook.

12-11-23: linked the about page and added the mirror!

12-10-23: working on the home page today! adding links to the nav and hunting for graphics. credit to unapothecary on neocities for the cool graphics so far!!! i will have a credits page in the future.

12-9-23: rebuilt new website project. will probably be transfering over to the lovelich site when complete.

last updated 11/28/24


Baldur's Gate 3


Videodrome [1983]


Fuck Me Out [Death Grips]

last seen:


mood: The current mood of lovelich at www.imood.com